Scott Dippel

Politics Reporter

Scott Dippel has worked for CBC News in a number of roles in several provinces. He's been a legislative reporter, a news reader, an assignment editor and a national reporter. When not at Calgary's city hall, it's still all politics, all the time.

Latest from Scott Dippel

Calgary examining property tax exemption for non-profits that provide affordable housing

The idea was included in the city's housing strategy, which was passed by city council in September 2023. It estimated the exemption would affect approximately 360 such properties in Calgary.

Calgary council gets pay raise for 4th straight year

It's another year, another pay raise for city council. Council members received a 3.07 per cent pay bump, effective Jan. 1.

Repair bill nearing $85M for Calgary Municipal Building

The City of Calgary is continuing to pour big money into the building known as Big Blue or new city hall.

Calgary's BMO Centre proves big budget projects don't always mean big overruns

With a $500-million budget, the Calgary Municipal Land Corporation (CMLC) managed to deliver the BMO Centre expansion this year on time and on budget.

Q & A: Mayor Jyoti Gondek reflects on a year in the hot seat

Calgary's mayor sat down recently for a year-end interview with CBC Calgary's municipal affairs reporter Scott Dippel.

Scotia Place arena details revealed as development permit approved

It's likely the last major hurdle that needed to be cleared to build the event centre, the new home of the Calgary Flames.

More disaster response work straining Calgary's emergency resources

CEMA chief Sue Henry told city council's emergency management committee Thursday that the emergency operations centre has already been open 76 days in 2024.

Calgary wants to borrow $1B for water projects to meet demands of growing population

City of Calgary administration outlined a number of major water projects as part of its proposed budget adjustments for 2025 on Tuesday. To make it happen, the city wants to borrow more than $1 billion.

Growing population and need to limit tax hikes squeezing City of Calgary budget

Calgarians will get a look on Tuesday at the proposed adjustments to the city's four-year budget plan.

Contaminated soil from Calgary arena site stored as far away as Brooks, Alta.

Workers have been busy digging up more than 100,000 tonnes of contaminated soil as preparations for the construction of Calgary's Scotia Place continues.