
Hamilton music is linked to the core

Jamie Smith, Tim Potocic and Lou Molinaro talk Hamilton music and how it's intrinsically linked to the downtown core.

Jamie Smith has devoted his life to music made in Hamilton.

"The Hamilton music scene is something that should be embraced, cherished, and promoted," said the Hamilton radio personality.

"It can go a long way if you let it go."

In this video, Smith, Sonic Unyon Records co-owner Tim Potocic and This Ain't Hollywood co-owner Lou Molinaro talk Hamilton music and its connection to the core.

"Downtown isn't what we thought it was. It's not how it was portrayed in the media," Smith said.

"Now, downtown is the place you want to go to be a part of something. It's about true talent and passion, and doing everything we can to showcase it."

Potocic agrees. "Hamilton is revitalizing itself," he said. "It's all winding itself together, and the arts and music are playing an integral part in bringing downtown back to its former glory."

You can also check out the wealth of musical talent in Hamilton on the CBC Hamilton Playlist here.


Adam Carter


Adam Carter is a Newfoundlander who now calls Toronto home. You can follow him on Twitter @AdamCarterCBC or drop him an email at [email protected].