What are you at? This is it: Custom made dog feeders

Ed King of Dildo was concerned to see his dog Trigger looking uncomfortable while eating, so he started building feeding systems that promote better animal digestion.

Ed King of Dildo makes pet bowl systems tailored to specific canine heights and needs

Ed King's custom dog feeders

9 years ago
Duration 1:28
Ed King's custom dog feeders
Ed King of Dildo loves animals. And he was concerned to see his yellow Labrador retriever, Trigger, looking uncomfortable while he was eating. 
Trigger is happy with his custom designed pet feeder designed and built his owner, Ed King. (courtesy Ed King )

"I was kind of sad to see him eating off the floor hunched over all the time," said King. 

Inspired by photos of custom dog feeders he found online, King used his carpentry skills to make a raised bowl system for Trigger.

This is one of Ed King's three-bowl pet feeding system, designed for multiple dogs. The drawers underneath can store pet food. (courtesy Ed King)

"Trigger loves it," said King.

King said he takes custom orders, and he can build feeders tailored to the heights and needs of individual dogs.

King also has two cats, and he's branching out into building cat climbers, cat feeders and litter boxes.

"They [cats] are going to be a little more discerning customers, so I'll see what I can come up with for them."

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