
Regina audience joins in on Handel's Messiah

The holidays are upon us and that means sing alongs! The Regina Symphony Orchestra performed their rendition of Handel's classic, Messiah, on Saturday and Sunday.

Weekend performances mark Gordon Gerrard's 1st Messiah

The weekend's performances were Gordon Gerrard's first performance of Messiah. (Radio-Canada)

The audience was welcomed to be part of the show Sunday afternoon as the Regina Symphony Orchestra performed Handel's Messiah.

People gathered at the Knox United Church in Regina to participate in a sing along of the composition. 

The Sunday performance was the second half of a two-day billing. The two shows were also new music director Gordon Gerrard's first performances of Messiah. 

"People absolutely loved it," said Tanya Derksen, executive director of the RSO. 

The sing along is a holiday tradition, practiced across the country, Derksen said. 

"There's a lot of people that come and just want to sing for fun." 

A ghostly apparition of Handel himself dropped by during the performance to engage with the crowd. 

The German composer Handel stopped by the Knox United Church on Sunday to engage with concert-goers who were there to sing along with his holiday piece, Messiah. (Radio-Canada)

With files from Radio-Canada