Thunder Bay

Trumpeter swan near Dryden needs ride to Hamilton

A cygnet, or young trumpeter swan needs some help to get south this winter.
These four cygnets, or young trumpeter swans lived in a small lake and creek near Ellen Riggins' home near Dinorwic. One of the cygnets was killed on Highway 72, while another was unable to fly. She hopes the one cygnet will find a ride to a wildlife refuge in Hamilton. (Ellen Riggins)

A cygnet, or young trumpeter swan needs some help to get south this winter.

The swan was found abandoned after it was unable to fly, and its family flew south from the Dryden area for the winter. The family of swans had four cygnets. One was killed on the highway, another two flew south, and one was unable to fly. 
This is one of the adult trumpeter swans found near the home of Ellen Riggins. One of the cygnets, or young swans was unable to fly south this fall, and was abandoned by its family. (Ellen Riggins)

Ellen Riggins is part of a group that contacted the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, and got permission to capture the swan, and then bring it to a local veterinarian.

"Two [people] ended up walking out on the ice, and checking as they went, and they carried out a huge, old fishing net. They followed the swan, because it couldn't fly, until it tired, and they netted it and brought it [to shore]."

Riggins said it was a scary time, as the ice was thin due to warm temperatures.

"A friend of mine and I hooded it and wrapped it in a blanket, and headed for the veterinarians with the swan."

Riggins said the cygnet is missing some flight feathers, possibly because it got stuck in some ice over a week ago.

She said the swan is being kept company by some ducks and geese in a fenced-in area at a local veterinarian's home.

Riggins said even if somebody is able to transport the young swan to North Bay, the Ontario Trumpeter Swan Restoration Group would pick up the bird there.

"The swan would be kept in a large plastic dog crate, and it would have to be in a warm area of the vehicle, it couldn't be in the open box of a pickup truck."

Anybody who can help transport the swan can contract Riggins at (807) 938-1799, or at [email protected].