Ontario family hopes to give 1 million pennies to charity
The pending demise of the penny has inspired a family in Burlington, Ont., to scoop up as many of the coins as they can in hopes of helping out a charity.
The pending demise of the penny has inspired a family in Burlington, Ont., to scoop up as many of the coins as they can in hopes of helping out a charity.
The Crealock family has begun collecting pennies in hopes of eventually pooling one million of them for a total of $10,000 face value. They hope to give that money to the Canadian Paraplegic Association.
They came up with the idea after hearing Finance Minister Jim Flaherty’s call to Canadians to free their pennies "from their prisons at home and those jars they are in and give them to charity."
Click on the video above to see Debbie Lightle-Quan’s report on the Crealocks’ quest for a million pennies.