Podcast Playlist

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Podcast Playlist LIVE

7 years ago
Duration 3:47
Hosts Matt Galloway and Lindsay Michael take their show on the road. Featuring Safe Space, The Spoke, Our Fake History, Sleepover, and Illusionoid.

Podcasts featured this week:

Full Canadian Broadcast Version:

1. Safe Space

Hosts Vicky Mochama and Ishmael Daro chat with guests Alex Wong and Monica Heisey about not so cute babies and how many pictures you should really take on vacation. Subscribe here.

2. The Spoke

Vanessa Smythe talks about how she tried to dance her way into the arms of her crush. Subscribe here.

(Photo Credit: Gabriel Li)

3. Our Fake History

Listen to host Sebastian Major debunk historical myths about the legendary outlaw Billy the Kid. Subscribe here.

(Photo Credit: Gabriel Li)

4. Sleepover

Sook-Yin Lee sits down with one of her favourite guests, boy genius Tai Poole, who's looking for help remembering his late grandfather. Subscribe here.

(Photo Credit: Gabriel Li)

5. Illusionoid

Paul Bates, Lee Smart and Nug Nahrgang take us through a sci-fi adventure in search of Steve Buscemi's face on the distant planet of B-16. Subscribe here.

(Photo Credit: Gabriel Li)

What new podcasts should we recommend? Send us an e-mail, tweet us @PodcastPlaylist, or find us on Facebook.

For more great podcasts, check out CBC's podcast portal, subscribe in iTunes or find our list on the Radio Public App.

Music in this episode:

​● Cream on Chrome - Ratatat - goo.gl/2kY5s3

​● Sebastian Major - Lies

● Odjbox - Hangman's Daughter - https://www.apmmusic.com/albums/KPM-0918

​● DXNZXL - I've Got A Feeling I'm Falling - https://youtu.be/zGqGLWQTM4Q
● Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/dxnzxl

​● Asura - Whispering Through - goo.gl/iiKh4Q​

● Joakim Karud - Waves https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud​
● Let's Go Surfing https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud​
● Say Good Night - https://youtu.be/IrDIF6LzpiY​
● Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoakimKarud
● Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joakimkarudmusic

● Ikson - Breeze
● Song/Free Download - https://youtu.be/XtlmAs9MBTM
● Twitter - https://twitter.com/Iksonofficial
● Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/ikson

● Dj Quads - Rhythm - https://youtu.be/Sl6O0hpHi1w
● Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/aka-dj-quads
● Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/djquads/
● Twitter - https://twitter.com/DjQuads
● YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/QuadsAKA

​● J​oey Pecoraro - Warm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cl3TDupmIbE
● Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/joeypecoraro
● Website: https://joeypecoraro.bandcamp.com/
● Twitter: https://twitter.com/wolf___joey